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- Fashion Drawing in Vogue
Fashion Drawing in Vogue
Packer, William. Fashion Drawing in Vogue. First Edition. 1983. Book and dust jacket are both in very good condition—spine is slightly faded. Preface was written by Rosamond Bernier.
This oversize coffee table book is the bible of 20th Century fashion illustration. It contains of the b & w and color illustrations that originally appeared in Vogue (British, American, and French) and other magazines. Pink pages of text are in the minority but are mixed in between chapters cover the various decades and eras. Includes drawings by Benito, Eric, Willaumez, Rene Bouché, René Gruau, Beaton, and Christian Bérard.
“Fashion drawing has been pushed off the page in recent years. Other ways of seeing and other ways of rendering the thing seen have taken its place. But of how many drawings in this book can we not say what Baudelaire once said of the fashion draftsman—that he ‘distills the eternal from the transitory?’”
--Rosamund Bernier